Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Do A Superman Punch

In this guide, we demonstrate how to do a very popular MMA move the superman punch and show it in slow motion.

Business only:
TWT: @Alphaflex215
FB: @Alphaflex215
IG: @Alphaflex215
Youtube: @Alphaflex215
Tumblr: @Alphaflex215
Location: Alphaflex Personal Training
#workout #superman #MMA #UFC #Mixedmartialarts #howto #inspiration #motivation #tutorial #getit #teamalphaflex #progress #learning #dowork #hustle #agame

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays From Alphaflex

Holidays are upon us and so comes the dreaded weight gain. What can we do to combat the holidays and not put on the pounds. Not only would it be rude to not eat around family, but a shame to not be able to enjoy the holidays don't worry we have a fix.

Business only:
TWT: @Alphaflex215
FB: @Alphaflex215
IG: @Alphaflex215
Youtube: @Alphaflex215
Tumblr: @Alphaflex215

Location: Alphaflex
‪#‎keepsweightoff‬ ‪#‎happyholidays‬ ‪#‎success‬ ‪#‎guide‬ ‪#‎christmas‬ ‪#‎weightloss‬‪#‎teamalphaflex‬

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Encouraging You to Workout

We here at Alphaflex just want to encourage you to get up and exercise regardless of your situation or where you are. You can make a positive impact on your life with exercise but first you need to start.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site: