About Lou
Lou is the average working American he has a job and family. Like many Americans he has weight issues only difference is he decided to do something about it. He took a 1 month challenge to see how much weight he could lose. The funny thing is I didn't realize I was giving him a one month challenge. He announced it to the world on Facebook and I was put on the spot. I had to push him hard after all I had my reputation to live up to and I wasn't going to back down because I knew we could do it. Well the result speak for them self
The Beginning
Day one training with me he was literally puking into a bucket every other exercise. I was concerned he might not make it was this going to be his breaking point the very first workout? No it wasn't he pushed onward his will power wouldn't allow him to be broken. I'm glad to say he's never met with that bucket again since the first day. The first days exercise routine that he couldn't handle is now a joke to him.
Lou's Results
Started at 284.2lbs dropped to 270.4lbs
Dropped 13.8lbs
BF% started at 42.09% and now it's down to 29.71%
He dropped 12.38% in Bodyfat
His waist was 47.25 inches it's now 45
A 2.25 inch drop
His lean body weight was 164.5 and it's now 190.25
That boy has been building some muscle 25.93lbs worth
The inches kept dropping off his body but i'll be here all day typing all the measurement changes the waist is the most important area, it shows if you are gaining fat or burning it off.
He started out running a mile at 18.44 minutes and now does it in 15.05 minutes
He shed 3.39 minutes on his mile run
He could barely do 2 push ups, honestly I wouldn't have even called them push ups. Now he can do 10 solid push ups.
A picture tells a 1000 words
First I have to say I give him a lot of credit for taking before and after pics, even more credit for allowing me to show them off to the world. Then again if I transformed myself like he did I would be dam proud and showing off to the world as well.
The Conclusion From Sheep to Spartan (It's an inside joke)
Day one you puked in a bucket repeatedly but you pushed onward. I told you I would turn you into a Spartan like your Greek ancestors. Not sure you knew what I meant. Now to quote 300 "Never retreat and never surrender that is Spartan law, by Spartan law we will stand and fight." You most certainly do that you have the mentality of a Spartan. Use it in the gym and in your life. You do have an incredible willpower, you know now that you truly have no limit when you believe in yourself. It has been a pleasure training with you. You have even started inspiring people to better themselves. I'm proud of you.
Who has enough courage to try and do what Lou has done?
_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site: