Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Pre-Exhaustion Technique

We all have a certain stubborn body part we wished would be better looking. We training it to death but nothing seems to work. There are many different ways to fix a stubborn muscle. I'm going to show you one way known as pre-exhaustion in this article I have published on Yahoo.

Pre-Exhaustion Technique to Combat Stubborn Bodyparts

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lou's: The Month Challenge

About Lou

Lou is the average working American he has a job and family. Like many Americans he has weight issues only difference is he decided to do something about it. He took a 1 month challenge to see how much weight he could lose. The funny thing is I didn't realize I was giving him a one month challenge. He announced it to the world on Facebook and I was put on the spot. I had to push him hard after all I had my reputation to live up to and  I wasn't going to back down because I knew we could do it. Well the result speak for them self

The Beginning

Day one training with me he was literally puking into a bucket every other exercise. I was concerned he might not make it was this going to be his breaking point the very first workout? No it wasn't he pushed onward his will power wouldn't allow him to be broken. I'm glad to say he's never met with that bucket again since the first day. The first days exercise routine that he couldn't handle is now a joke to him.

Lou's Results

Started at 284.2lbs dropped to 270.4lbs
Dropped 13.8lbs

BF% started at 42.09% and now it's down to 29.71%
He dropped 12.38% in Bodyfat

His waist was 47.25 inches it's now 45
A 2.25 inch drop

His lean body weight was 164.5 and it's now 190.25
That boy has been building some muscle 25.93lbs worth

The inches kept dropping off his body but i'll be here all day typing all the measurement changes the waist is the most important area, it shows if you are gaining fat or burning it off.

He started out running a mile at 18.44 minutes and now does it in 15.05 minutes
He shed 3.39 minutes on his mile run

He could barely do 2 push ups, honestly I wouldn't have even called them push ups. Now he can do 10 solid push ups.

A picture tells a 1000 words

First I have to say I give him a lot of credit  for taking before and after pics, even more credit for allowing me to show them off to the world. Then again if I transformed myself like he did I would be dam proud and showing off to the world as well.

The Conclusion From Sheep to Spartan (It's an inside joke)

Day one you puked in a bucket repeatedly but you pushed onward. I told you I would turn you into a Spartan  like your Greek ancestors. Not sure you knew what I meant. Now to quote 300 "Never retreat and never surrender that is Spartan law, by Spartan law we will stand and fight." You most certainly do that you have the mentality of a Spartan. Use it in the gym and in your life. You do have an incredible willpower, you know now that you truly have no limit when you believe in yourself. It has been a pleasure training with you. You have even started inspiring people to better themselves. I'm proud of you.

Who has enough courage to try and do what Lou has done?

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Basic Boxing Fitness Class 10/12/11

Location: 91-12 215 Place
                Queens Village, NY 11428
Description: This class will go over some basic boxing moves and combinations. You will learn real life boxing moves with a fitness twist added to it. We will be using a mix up of punching bags, punching mitts and yourself. Sparring will not happen his is an exercise class. Space is limited so reservations are required if you are planning to attend.
Suggestions on what to bring: Water, your own boxing gloves, sneakers, proper workout attire and a towel because you'll sweat a lot.
Admission: $10 and RSVP required 

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Recent Accomplishments

Matt's result after finishing my 2 month diet.
Weight Down 21 lbs
Waist down 3.25 inches
Bodyfat down 5.5%

Drops 9.4lbs

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Friday, August 12, 2011

Basic Kickboxing Fitness Class 8/22/11 @6PM

Location: 91-12 215 Place
Queens Village, NY 11428 

Info: It's Monday back to work, you wish you could hit your boss. Well release some of those frustrations at this basic kickboxing fitness class. This is an outdoor class focusing on basic kickboxing moves, You will learn proper form as well as some basic combinations. Bring water. You may bring boxing gloves or 1-3lb dumbbells if you have them to up the difficulty of the workout. The location is subject to change if we are expecting a larger turn out the class will be moved to Ally Pond park details will be given. If bad weather should class will be canceled till a later date. It will be a fun event with a lot of laughs along the way. 

Admission: $10

For more info visit the web-site:

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Basic Boxing Fitness Class Aug 6th @Noon

I've been falling in love with mixed martial arts, it's great exercise and a lot of fun. So I decided why not make an exercise class out of it. It would make training more affordable for many people on top of just being a ton of fun. It will be my first time teaching a group class and i'm very excited as well as slightly  nervous since I've never done this before, Saturday can't come fast enough! So for those in the Queens/ Long Island area I invite you all to join in the fun.

Shaun doing some bag work

The Info

Date:  August 6th
Time: 12PM-1PM

Location: Matthew Mikolow's Personal Gym
91-12 215 Place
Queens Village, NY 11428

Info: This is an outdoor class focusing on basic boxing punches, You will learn proper form as well as some basic combinations. Bring water. You may bring boxing gloves or 1-3lb dumbbells if you have them to up the difficulty of the workout. The location is subject to change if we are expecting a larger turn out the class will be moved to Alley Pond park details will be given. If bad weather should occur rain or an extreme heat wave the class will be canceled till a later date. It will be a fun event with a lot of laughs along the way. If you want bring music so we can put it on during the work out.

Admission: $10


_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Recent Accomplishments 8/01/2011

Once again it's time to show off our recent success. Everybody has unique goals these are just some milestones we have achieved to making those goals happen. A recent accomplishment post goes up once each individual at the Bodyflip Camp succeeds at a personal milestone. So congratulations everybody on our recent accomplishments, good job and keep up the good work. We can make anything happen when we put our mind to it, believe it and then you achieve it.

Dropped 7lbs
Dropped 1 inch in the waist
Split Stiff-legged Deadlift 150lbs

Split Stiff-legged Deadlift 150lbs

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time to Pull Your Own Weight I update

I know the next part of this article has been in wait. I regret to inform you it will be for long time, as I'm having a hard time describing the exercises in text and can't find much in the way of visuals to aid in explanation either.

The way I see it i'm going to have to make a hands on instructional video which regrettably I don't have the time to do at the moment. Sorry guys and gals, I will come back to it one day I promise however.


_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free consolation & training session visit my web-site:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pictures Updated on the web-site

Pictures of the newest equipment additions to the gym have been added on the web-site as well as facebook check it out.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Friday, July 8, 2011

So I Made a Bodyspace

Most of you are probably saying what is that. It's a site that you dedicate to the progress of your body, I'm not really going to get to caught up on that site I just use it to track my progress and love the interactive charts. However if you want to see how I progressed over the years check it out,. It is kind of interesting if you are into that geek sort of stuff.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bodyflip Camp Recent Accomplishments 6/27/2011

This has been long over due but here it goes. Once again it's time to show off our recent success. Everybody has unique goals these are just some milestones we have achieved to making those goals happen. A recent accomplishment post goes up once each individual at the Bodyflip Camp succeeds at a personal milestone. So congratulations everybody on our recent accomplishments, good job and keep up the good work. We can make anything happen when we put our mind to it, believe it and then you achieve it.

First off a very special congratulation goes out to Penny my mama on accomplishing her main goal of dropping 14lbs. Well we out did ourselves you lost 16lbs


For the rest of us we are make steps towards our goals each and every day here are some of the steps we have overcome.

- lost 11 inches total to her overall body
- lost 10.21% Bodyfat
- dropped 2 inches in her waist
- lost another 2.8lbs

- 200lbs DB Calf Extension
- 200lb Supinated grip Yates Row
- 150lb Close-grip Pulldown
- 150lb Pulldown
- 50lbs Standing Leg Raise
- 50lbs Cable Fly
- 50lb Incline Fly


- added 1 inch to chest
- added 1 inch to legs
- added .5 inch to calves
- added .25 inch to arms
- gained 4lbs
- 300lb Supinated Grip Yates Row
- 200lbs DB Calf Extension
- 200lbs T Bar Row
- 100lb Standing Miltary Press
- 100lb DB Row
- 150lb Pulldown
- 50lb Hammer Curls

There is nothing we can't achieve together so lets make these dreams of being a better us a reality

To inquire about one free 30 minute training session with me. Visit the web site or email me at

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finally added pics

I finally added pics to the web-site and yes I will continue to add pics for now on.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Training facility update

1) Harsh economic times are upon us but that is no reason to have bad health. Now you don't have to, I'm currently doing mini sessions to train people to be in shape and health. These are  intense training sessions 30 mins long. Half the time and half the price it's my way of making personal training more affordable for everyone.

2) Now I offer one free trial 30 minute training session. I didn't like the idea of doing this before as I know how good I am and what I can do for people. I however have come to the conclusion that others need to have some way of knowing how good I am. So come on down try a free training session and see if you like it.

3) I realized I've neglected putting up pictures of all the fun we have at my facility. Sadly I never really took any. From time to time, now on we'll be having what I call paparazzi moments. It'll show the fun we have while exercises so stay tuned for that and have a laugh or two.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free training session visit my web-site:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Vegan's have it Wrong

There is a constant debate among vegans and the rest of the world that eats meat, on which diet is truly better. Well I'm going to shed a science type view on this subject using layman terms so everybody can understand. I'm going to share my view about the vegan diet.

Read about it in this feathered Squidoo Article:

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free consultation visit my web-site:

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Summer Time Hobby

Not really fitness related it was a fun little article I was asked by Yahoo to write so just figured I would share it.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself give you a free consultation visit my web-site:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blog Revamp Again

The first time I did a revamp it consisted of changing the layout of the site. This made it much more appealing and professional looking. This times revamp is a little different it should be a win win for everybody however.

I know more about health and fitness then the majority of Americans this goes without saying. I also enjoy babbling my head off about the topic because it's become a passion. Well it has come to my attention my  babbling can yield income. It's not a lot by any means but it's something, plus it is great exposure for of my knowledge. Which very well could lead to bigger things down the road.

Get to the changes Foo! Alright don't beat me Mr.T


1) All fitness related articles will now be published under an affiliate that has paid for my article. I will post a link up to the web-site I've had my article published on so you guys can read it.

2) Sadly this means the site will be under construction for a short while. I'll try to fix this as soon as possible. I'm going to be in the process of trying to get my old content published.

3) This does hold some benefits I get to make the blog more focused on myself and my clients now rather then combining fitness babble and my clients Which was rather messy I must say.

I've been toying with Twitter and Facebook fan page for awhile unsure how to use them really.

- Well I figured out Twitter it will now be more interpersonal now, I feel I was sounding like a robot only posting when I had a blog update. It will now have short snippets of daily life from time to time and i'll communicate with people more so on that.

- I decided to take down the facebook fan page I still don't have much of a clue how I want to use it. I typically talk to all my friends on my main Facebook page so the fan page seems rather pointless. Perhaps once I stop being camera shy i'll at least use it to post pics up. Until then the Facebook fan page non existent. Beside everybody that wants to be my friend or talk to can on my regular facebook page. Until I figure a better use for it.

If anybody has any suggestions on how to make the Facebook fan page useful or any suggestions in general on how to improve things please let me know i'm always interested in improving, as well as learning. Most of what I've accomplished so far has been because of a combination of my hard work and listening to advice from people. The people whom have giving me advice, thank you it's really helped out greatly.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time to Pull Your Own Weight I

He can bench 785lbs wonder if he can do a pull up?
Alright tough guy you can bench 500lbs you are so amazingly strong. Now let me ask you can you do a pull up? You mean to tell me you can lift all those heavy weights but can't do a basic pull up something that could be used to save your life if ever you are hanging off a ledge.You aren't alone guys and girls alike struggle with the basic pull up.

Females struggle with pull up because the upper body muscles aren't as naturally developed without training as a male. Females tend to be more lower body dominant and guys tend to be more upper body dominant with no training. This doesn't mean females can't develop the strength to do them. They most certainly can, in fact many girls can do just as many pull ups as guys once properly trained.

Guys are naturally able to do pull ups as long as they are ultra thin. Big guys with muscles that are really strong struggle badly with them. When I was bone thin I could do 1 handed pulls no problem then, I got stronger and grew a few muscles. Now I'm lucky if I can do two pull ups. I wanted to figure out why as this annoyed me. the answer was rather plain to see and in front of my face the whole time.

Geek time we need to understand back anatomy:

I'll keep it in layman terms.When we are in the state of a a dead hang on a bar a bone in our backs called the scapula is stretched out. (Diagram below). Now typically when we think of pull ups we are thinking of working the big muscles in the back the latissimus doris. For this however I don't want you focusing on that muscle. I want you to focus on the Teres Major (Other diagram below it's the muscle highlighted in red)

Teres Major

The teres major is mainly used to pull our arms down, it's the first back muscle to fire when we do a pull up from a dead hang. It is the main culprit usually on why we struggle with doing pull ups. This muscle tends to be very underdeveloped as it really isn't used for much other then pulling down stuff from over head a movement we rarely do.

His arms aren't fully locked out at the top of the movement
You might be thinking to yourself of another exercise that surely activates the teres major that you've seen big guy lifting heavy weights can do yet can't do a pull up, that exercise is the cable pulldown. I would agree this exercise can work the teres major however most bodybuilders or people working out back will not let themselves fully lock out with this exercise because this will engaged there biceps in the movement. Our back fires like this during that movement teres major > biceps > latissimus (The main muscle we are trying to target when we work out back). Since this yields the best results for back development often many people bring the movement short to not fire the bicep and keep the back muscles fired the whole time. Leading to an under developed teres major in the process.

The good news is this can be all fixed. We can strengthen that lagging teres major muscle no problem. The bad news is you'll have to wait till I post my teres major development routine that I developed for next times post.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Basic Understanding of How Calories Work

Everybody is always looking for the next big thing to lost unwanted pounds. Nobody takes a second to learn why such diet works and nobody takes a second to understand why they relapsed after they stop some fad diet. Well in the simplest form everything is about calories. Well in this article i'm going to give an analogy that helped me understand the basics and hopefully it can help you too.

It was recently published by Yahoo here is the link enjoy: 
Understanding of How Basic Calories Work

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Breaking Down Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers, why does it work for some people meanwhile it does absolutely nothing for others? It has even been said that a few people didn't even exercise while on it and lost weight. So how is it possible people would yield such different results?

The article is now published by Yahoo click the link to view:
Breaking Down Weight Watchers on Yahoo

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bodyflip Camp Recent Accomplishments 4/11/2011

It's time to show off our recent success. Everybody has unique goals these are just some milestones we have achieved to making those goals happen. A recent accomplishment post goes up once each individual at the Bodyflip Camp succeeds at a personal milestone. So congratulations everybody on our recent accomplishments, good job and keep up the good work.

- gained 6lbs
- added 1 inch to my chest 
- added 1 inch to my legs
- added 1 inch to my arms
- added .25 inch to my calves
- 150lb Lumberjack Squat
- 150lbs Close Grip Pulldown
- 150lb Stiff Leg Deadlift
- 100lb Close Grip Bench to neck
- 50lb Concentration Curls
- 50lb Standing Leg Raise

- gained 5lbs
- 150lb Lumberjack Squat
- 150lb Close Grip Pulldown
- 150lb Stiff Leg Deadlift
- 50lb Standing Leg Curl
- 50lb Cable Fly
- 50lb DB Fly

- dropped 7.12% Bodyfat
- dropped down 5lbs
- dropped 1 inch on her waist

- dropped down 5.8lbs

- dropped down 5lbs

To inquire about one free 30 minute training session with me. Visit the web site or email me at

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nagging Knee Pain

This article is about a constant issue many people face either all the time or once in awhile in there lives, nagging knee pain. I'm not a medical professional, but I am a personal trainer whom has dealt with this issue many times. The good news is 8 times out of 10 I've fixed this issue for people. The extent of knee pain is rarely serious and not all that complicated it's more about fixing our bad habits. This article should enlighten you on these bad habits we are all guilty of committing.

The article has recently been published with Squidoo here is a link to my first published article:

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Illegal Performance Substances

I was over at the MotionData blog and I came across something that I found interesting. It was a chart showing Barry Bonds stats. Barry Bonds broke the the home run record for those not into sports. Home runs aren't  the part that interested me what I found interesting was just how dramatically his game improved during the time periods he was caught using steroids.

Being a personal trainer, fan of weightlifting, fan of bodybuilding. I've been offer more then once steroids.  I've always kindly said no. It just isn't my thing. Typically i'm not the type of person that judges others for what they do to there bodies smoke, drink, drive without a seatbelt, and etc. After all it is your body it's not my concern.

Are steroids good or bad I don't know I don't care. Are steroids illegal yes so what I still could careless. Are steroids banned substance from major league sports and many other events yes. This is when I care because they destroy the game as you'll see by the dramatic increase in Barry Bonds performance. They send a bad message to kids. Essentially it tells kids if you want to get ahead in life cheat.

I feel anybody caught using any substance banned from an event, has cheated so they should be stripped of there titles and records because they didn't earn it. Now if steroids were legal and not banned I wouldn't care. In natural bodybuilding if you are caught using any substance that is banned you are stripped of your title and records. It is also the same in the Olympics. So why isn't it in major league sports?

You be the judge of how much of an impact steroids improved Barry Bonds game.

MotionData: Barry Bonds Career Review Interactive Chart

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sunday March 20th "The Transformation Challenge Begins"

March 20th begins the start of a 12 week transformation challenge in which my beautiful girlfriend will be embarking on.

Her goal is to lost 15lbs in time for her graduation which would 7 weeks into the diet. Realistically I don't know if she can do that, but I have the utter most confidence she'll get 10lbs down by then. Then again if anybody could prove me wrong it would be her. I have never met a person that is more focused and driven when she puts her mind to it in my life. She truly can accomplish anything it's amazing to see her in a focused state (now we just need to ensure the wheels stay on the train). By the end of this diet she'll have lost at least 20lbs if not more.

This is her own journey I will not be releasing personal information on her progress. I am merely posting this to cheer her on and give her support form the side lines.

Now before you ask me to magically give you a 12 week transformation challenge with no training experience. I'll tell you right now you can't do it so don't ask. She is a rare person that can actually accomplish this. I wouldn't waste my time trying this with somebody I didn't think could do it, all I would be doing is taking money on a lost cause, I'm not that type of person, so don't ask about.

The reason why she can do is. She understands basic exercises because I taught her it, She knows when something isn't right and to question it rather then causing herself possible injury. She also knows she has to push herself hard and can't back down where most people would worry about whatever excuse they can make up to stop the grueling workout. We have also went over exactly what she'll need to do diet wise to accomplish this together. On top of that she is very determined to do this for herself which I can't stress enough so I put in bold. On top of all this she has extraordinary willpower. She also always has me in her corner for support and motivation. Unless you have all the listed requirements this isn't for you to try at this moment in your life. Best suggestion I can give you is build up the requirements if you really wanted to do this you would do that first.

It's not all sunshine for her however this will be hard very hard. I even tried scaring her by telling her constantly how hard it would be just to see if she would give up, well she isn't afraid. She has that determination that can't be defeated which is exactly the mindset you need for this. The bad news I can't be there everyday to train her only once a week she lives in the far off land of the Jersey so that presents a challenge in itself. She also has a very erratic work schedule so she might not be able to exercise some days which is all the more reason her nutrition will have to be pinpoint accurate for this to work.

All I can do is wish you the best of luck and I love you. Now kick ass girl, I'll be there Sunday the challenge begins (This is the part you yell out your battle cry) Jen-Ra!

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fitness and Willpower

This is what I truly believe is the strongest tool to getting fit. It's not a magic pill, a certain exercise or a miracle diet. It's something that is within all of us that we often over look or allow others to take away from us. Even when somebody takes it way it's never really gone we just need to summon it back. I'm talking about our Willpower!

Article has been recently been published by Yahoo: Fitness and Willpower on Yahoo.

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Genetics Pt 3 The Trainer you Choose

The last thing i'm going to talk about is how genetics can play a role on the personal trainer you choose. Far too often we look at a person and based our choice on how a person looks or what gender they are rather then what they have accomplished. If a guy is huge we assume he must know everything about exercise and far to often girls don't get respect as trainers regardless of how they look from guys and girls alike.

How a person looks is probably the one of the least important credentials one should look at when shopping for a personal trainer. As my early post showed you some people are blessed with amazing genetics. Bigman would look like the guy that would fit the stereotype of an amazing looking personal trainer. However the knowledge isn't there so you would have been fooled. Secondly some people that lift weights to get big do illegal substances (Steroids and Human Growth Hormones) you can't tell who uses them and who doesn't. This isn't to say that people that do choose to use illegal substances don't have the knowledge but it's also not to say that how they look means they do either. Lastly females just because they can't get huge doesn't mean they don't have knowledge. Genetically females can't get big if they tried without the assistance steroids. They simply do not produce enough testosterone like men for them to grow in that way. So ladies don't be scared of weights you won't get big you'll only look more toned which guys find hot.

If those are the genetic do not's of picking a personal trainer what are the genetics do's for picking a personal trainer? There are a few things. Second most important thing when it comes to picking a trainer would be if they have transformed themselves in a big way from what they used to look like. You can pretty much guarantee they understand health fairly well and are not only a preacher but a follower of a healthy lifestyle.
Saving the best for last. The utterly most important vital thing when picking a personal trainer would be if they have dramatically transformed clients. Not only does this show they understand themselves well but they know how to change things up per client. Everybody is slightly different and everybody has different goals. A photo that is not a set up (I'll explain in a moment) before and after picture of a former client tells a thousand words.

When I say not set up I mean it's not set in ideal lighting of a client with there shirt off. A typical out of shape person would be rather reluctant to pose in a bikini for the before picture. A picture that is just of a client out with friends before the transformation and after the transformation would be ideal. If the picture isn't set up neatly it is pretty safe to say that it wasn't doctored with Photoshop.

Some examples before closing this post

An example of a legit photo that isn't set up

Here is an example of a set up fake photo

Lastly the perfect example of a trainer everybody knows but doesn't look the part. Bob Harper of the biggest loser just looks like your average skinny guy but has gotten the result people want.

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Genetics Pt.2 The Genetics That you Are Blessed With

In my previous posted it was pretty much all about my friend who we are referring to as Bigman. Well you see Bigman is a person I see with amazing genetics and I'll admit I slightly envied at one time but not anymore. The point I'm trying to make is that everybody is to busy looking at somebody with great genetics wishing they had them. Yet we don't stop to appreciate the great genetics we are blessed with.

To often we defeat ourselves without even trying, we play the crying game of I have bad genetics. Well pardon the profanity i'm about to say but Bullshit! Sure it's true somebody might have something over you they didn't work for. For example maybe you want to be skinny and you have a friend that eats nothing but junk food all day whom doesn't seem to gain an ounce. Perhaps you love basketball and you know somebody that seems to be able to leap to insane heights that you wish you could.

I can't tell you what good genetics you have over the person whom you envy for their genetics. I guarantee if you take sometime to compare yourselves you'll see things you are glad you have that the person you envy doesn't have.

Just to prove my point I love exercising and building muscle we won't go into details why in this posting. I also one day want to compete in a natural amateur bodybuilding competition in hopes of trying to win. I'm not at that point yet but it is a personal accomplishment I want to achieve in my life. Bigman has these superior genetics from how I made him sound, how can I possibility compete with him. Not only can I compete with him I can beat him in many regards. At first glance Bigman is huge compared to me no doubt about that. We tend to see peoples upper bodies as Bigman never ever wears shorts. Like most guys he struggles with building up his legs. Ready for the twist now I have amazing genetics when it comes to building muscle in my legs. In fact I hardly work them out because I've been trying to have my upper body catch up. When I do work them out they grow very quickly. It's hard to find clothes for a guy with a built set of wheels let me tell you. I tend to get pants 2-4 inches bigger then my waist so my legs can fit which isn't fun. So I beat him in the less praised lower half of the body. Bigman is very big boned i'm very small boned so what you are saying? Earlier I said I wanted to do a natural bodybuilding competition. Natural competitions are broken down into weight classes somebody that is small boned with a lot of muscle at 4% bodyfat will look way more impressive then somebody who is big boned at 4% bodyfat. Lastly Bigman has a wide waist and my waist like my bone structure if very small.  I think if I got down to 4% bodyfat (competition shape) I would have a waist of around 27 inches perhaps even smaller.

In the end the person I used to envy I don't at all anymore. I'm glad with the genetics god has given me and you should be as well. For all our weak areas we want to improve you have infinitely strong areas you don't need to improve. So build up those weak areas with hard work and you will be balanced.

Pt 3 coming soon.

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Genetics Pt.1 Bigman the Genetic Freak In a Good Way

The idea came to me during the Super bowl party to write about this but alas I haven't had much free time. For this post my friend whom I've known for many years we'll call him Bigman.  Well Bigman at first glance is what you would call a true genetic freak in a positive sense. He's just this massively muscular person. In fact I don't really know anybody that doesn't workout regularly that is bigger or stronger then him and 90% of the people I know that do workout constantly drug free are still smaller plus weaker then him.

If you caught that last sentence I mention people that don't workout regularly well that is because Bigman doesn't regularly workout. In fact he goes months at a time without working out a day. His lifestyle also isn't what you would say is on par with a health buff by any means. The man parties a lot and drinks a lot more. He once made a joke "You want to get big like me drink Hennessey."

All that said he is one extremely cool guy. When I first started getting into exercise I would always go to him with all types of questions. I just figured it made logical sense you want to get big ask the biggest guy you know. He does know a decent amount about exercise and nutrition but if I didn't stop listening to him and listen to myself along with proper research I wouldn't have grew much.

What he can teach everybody is that the human mind is only limited to what you allow yourself to set you're limit to. He has such a way of believing he can lift absolutely anything that amazingly he does. I've never seen him not lift something when he attempts it. His mind always allows him to lift the object but sadly his body doesn't. He will get whatever it is he wanted to lift up but will get badly injured afterwards at times. I don't advise people lifting extremely heavy objects without sound reason and safety, you are setting yourself up for injury.  He said if you want to get big then you have to believe you can lift anything and lift everything no matter if it breaks you. Well I agree with the first part of his statement believing is achieving essentially. That goes with anything in life.

Tune in for pt 2 coming soon.

For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hello Internet World

I guess this is hello from a first time blogger. I figured it would be fun to document my ups and downs as I embark on a new journey in my life. I'm fortunate enough to have found a job I truly love and that is being a personal trainer for people.  I'm just starting to embark on this journey, obviously I hope everything is all sunshine and roses.  I am however a realist so I am well aware the road ahead will be filled with bumps along the way. In the end I hope the majority of times are fun and I help many people along the way.

Let the Journey Begin!


For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: