Friday, November 30, 2012

Introducing Half Hour Mini Circuits

Due to popular demand I will be offering half hour sessions however they are a little different to the full hour session. They will be random high intensity circuits that I've designed to get the heart pumping. (These mini circuits are not customized to the individual and will not involve heavy resistance training. They shall always be random and never the same) They are tiny but pack a punch. 

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Internet is Back

The internet is back up finally after being down for 27 days thanks to hurricane Sandy. Skype sessions will be back in action. Hurricane Sandy can't stop me

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hurricane Sandy and My Back Update

The hurricane has knocked power out for the pass 10 days but I'm back in action and business will officially open again come Monday. My back has recovered as well so as soon as the internet is up and running Skype sessions will be back.

To everybody that suffered during this hurricane regardless of how big or small the damage was my heart goes out to you and your families.


_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I will no longer be posting transformation articles about my clients sucess

Do to overwhelming success of my clients transforming themselves. I'm not able to keep up with all my clients as they transform themselves to write a special article about them. It was something I enjoyed doing because I was proud of them. I'm so backed up with work that by the time I get to write an article the nostalgia would have already worn off.

So I'm taking down the transformation page. I however will be posting you on Facebook still and have another little surprise coming soon for all my successful clients whom have made dramatic transformations. Keep up the great work guy I'm proud of each and everyone of you and it's been a pleasure helping you achieve your goals.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to do a Bodyweight Squat

Here is a video I shot on how to do a proper body weight squat. This is my first time shooting a video. It's for an upcoming project with Wello. Hope it helps you out with proper form.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Training Via Skype

Many people wished I lived closer to them. Monique came up with the suggestion to train her via Skype well it was a success. I will now be offering training via skype to all potential clients that live to far away but seek my guidance.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Matt's First Transformation Challenge

About Matt and the Reason For the Challenge

I'm the host of this blog and the personal trainer trainer that has transformed all the clients in this blog. Most of probably already know that before I found exercise I was extremely underweight. Well a few times people have said well you don't know what it's like to be overweight and try to lose it. They were right I have never been in that position other then to help others lose weight. I found a transformation challenge competition for 100k. Not really having much to transform, I decided to make myself over weight and lose the weight.

The Competion

I enter my first ever transformation competition it was 83 days to transform yourself and based off judges decisions who wins. I worked hard to put on that weight now I only had 83 days to take off what took me twice that amount of time to put on. Sign up I was ready and confident who better then somebody that is a master at transforming people to get the results they seek to do it them self. I will say mistake were made and I can definitely do better next time but it was a great learning experience. Out of 6,878 contestants I came in 14th place I didn't win the big prize but it was a great experience.

The Results

I started at 201.3 Lbs and a 37 Inch waist 83 Days later I was 168.8 lbs and had a 29.5 inch waist. My bodyfat went form 19.68% down to 6.12%.   I dropped 32.5 lbs, 7.5 inches in my waist and lost 13.56% bodyfat

The Pictures

The Conclusion:

People said I don't know what it's like to have to lose weight. So I made myself overweight because they were right I didn't know first hand. Now I know and can say it's can be done on both sides of the spectrum you can achieve the body and health that you want there are no excuses. You just have to believe in yourself and commit to the steps of making your goals happen. Best of luck to everybody.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Hidden Truth About Diet Sweeteners

Some people think diet soda is great after all it has zero calories. I however have always preached against drinking any soda. My belief is based off personal observation. People that drink diet soda all the time seem to be overweight compared to people whom just say no to soda in general. Being that I am not a scientist I decided to research why this is. To see if my theory based on observation is correct or not. What I found out was surprising and frightening.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Monday, March 5, 2012

When Exercising Listen to Your Body to Avoid Injury

It's become an all to common theme in my field. I get a new client, we go over health records to see what I need to be aware of.  What I constantly see is they have gone to personal trainers before and received some sort of injury that could have been easily avoided.

The article has been published by Yahoo. To read about it:

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Genine's Amazing Transformation

It has been awhile since I've made a blog post. Work has been picking up and with the holidays I haven't had a moments spare time. This post is long over due. It's about Genine probably my best client and more so a really good friend.

About Genine:

Genine went to a personal trainer after having her first child to lose the baby weight she had gained. This proved unsuccessful she didn't lose the weight and ended up getting a knee injury. For the next 6 monthes she was doing physical therapy to repair her knee as a result.

This knee injury happened because the personal trainer didn't listen to his client. When Genine said her knee joint was hurting her he proceed to tell her to keep going it was supposed to hurt. This is a very big pet peeve I have against personal trainers that are supposed to be professionals. Take this as a warning if your trainer doesn't listen to you, for your own safety go to a different personal trainer.

Now back to the awesomeness that is Genine. Since the last time she tried a personal trainer she has had 2 more beautiful children. So she has come to me with having had 3 children now seeking to lose the weight she put on. So we made a program and I remained mindful of her pass injuries. I urged her as I do with all my clients to let me know what they are feeling especially any aches or pains. I can always change and tweak a program if I know what they are feeling  but I can not read minds.

Onto Genine's Results

She started out at 160.2lbs and has dropped down to 127.2 that is a 33lb drop. Not only did she lose the baby weight she had put on but some extra lbs have come off as well. She hasn't been this light and as in shape since the middle of high school to quote Genine.

Genines waist has dropped down 6 whole inches

She can now run a mile 3 and 1/2 minutes faster then when she first came to me. She now clocks a mile at exactly 10 minutes.

Her flexibility and strength have also both dramatically increased.

Time to show the proof.

This is Genine before and after 28lbs since then she has lost 5 more lbs


We worked as a team, she constantly informed me how her diet was and her body was feeling. So I was able to make the proper changes. She never made any excuses at all she and never slacked off. She pushed as hard as she could. Genine already had the determination, she just needed a proper guide to show her the way.

There is no excuse anybody should have for having bad health. Genine is a prime inspirational example of this. She has three kids, has been seriously injured and among other problems that I will keep disclosed she has succeed without making excuses. Now she has her health back not only for herself but for her family.

Anytime you make an excuse of why you can't do something think of Genine.

_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly training with me visit my web-site: