The first time I did a revamp it consisted of changing the layout of the site. This made it much more appealing and professional looking. This times revamp is a little different it should be a win win for everybody however.
I know more about health and fitness then the majority of Americans this goes without saying. I also enjoy babbling my head off about the topic because it's become a passion. Well it has come to my attention my babbling can yield income. It's not a lot by any means but it's something, plus it is great exposure for of my knowledge. Which very well could lead to bigger things down the road.
Get to the changes Foo! Alright don't beat me Mr.T |
1) All fitness related articles will now be published under an affiliate that has paid for my article. I will post a link up to the web-site I've had my article published on so you guys can read it.
2) Sadly this means the site will be under construction for a short while. I'll try to fix this as soon as possible. I'm going to be in the process of trying to get my old content published.
3) This does hold some benefits I get to make the blog more focused on myself and my clients now rather then combining fitness babble and my clients Which was rather messy I must say.
I've been toying with Twitter and Facebook fan page for awhile unsure how to use them really.
- Well I figured out Twitter it will now be more interpersonal now, I feel I was sounding like a robot only posting when I had a blog update. It will now have short snippets of daily life from time to time and i'll communicate with people more so on that.
- I decided to take down the facebook fan page I still don't have much of a clue how I want to use it. I typically talk to all my friends on my main Facebook page so the fan page seems rather pointless. Perhaps once I stop being camera shy i'll at least use it to post pics up. Until then the Facebook fan page non existent. Beside everybody that wants to be my friend or talk to can on my regular facebook page. Until I figure a better use for it.
If anybody has any suggestions on how to make the Facebook fan page useful or any suggestions in general on how to improve things please let me know i'm always interested in improving, as well as learning. Most of what I've accomplished so far has been because of a combination of my hard work and listening to advice from people. The people whom have giving me advice, thank you it's really helped out greatly.
_______________________________________________________ For more about me and possibly having myself train you visit my web-site: